Tuesday, 26 April 2011


Semalamnya senyum
Hari ini kusam
Semalamnya ketawa
Hari ini muram

Hidup ini susah
Hidup ini senang
Hidup ini manja
Hidup ini tegas
Hidup ini...semua.

Titis-titis hati
Mengadunya...ke Bumi.

Alor Gajah, Melaka

Titis-titis itu...

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Kuntumnya III

Episodes of 'Kuntumnya' are my flowers' photos collection that I took all over the places. It has become my new hobby and if anyone interested in having any custom-made postcard or wallpaper, feel free to buzz me anytime. :)

Kuntumnya menceriakan...

Kuntumnya memberi senyuman...

Kuntumnya memberi harapan...

My favorite! :)

Monday, 11 April 2011

Benak Warisan

Menulis dah lama tertinggal,
Mengarang dah lama terlupa,
Tertulis dah lama di akal,
Terkarang dikongsi bersama.

Ternukil sudah..bacanya entah...

Sunday, 10 April 2011

Kuntumnya II

Biarkan alam bicara
Biarkan alam bersuara
Biarkan alam bercerita
Biarkan alam berseloka



Sebatang kara...


Kertas ungu...

Mekarnya kertas...

Lukisan alam...

Mekar sekuntum...


Saturday, 9 April 2011


Sengaja ku lewati hingar manusia...
Sengaja ku nikmati jalan cerita...
Sengaja ku tatapi kuntum-kuntumnya...
Sengaja ku berperi tentang indahNya...


Penuh cerita...

Dreams Of Question Mark?

Few days ago I had a weird dream about I'm getting a couple of twin little brothers. It was so real and I was so happy back in the dream. I can still remember the color of their napkins to 'bedung' them. Blue and light green. I can still remember their smile and how they sleep. I was sleeping with them and I was really excited about it. Suddenly, something make me think.... My mother passed away on 7th October 2009 and how on earth I can get new little brothers? I was still in that dream wondering how is it possible? I can feel what I touched..I can hear their breaths.. I was stuck in the middle of the dream and getting more confused by the situation. I was happy and I was confused. Sunlights woke me up and I was frustrated by the fact that I don't have any twin brothers.

Last night, I had another weird dream of a kid. He entered an old house by himself..(I don't know why) in the middle of the twilight. Suddenly he disappeared and I entered the house to find him. I found his torchlight and a piece of white cloth on the floor. I shouted 'Lailahaillallah' and the boy appeared in front of my eyes just like that! I was shocked and again...confused.

I am still...confused.

Friday, 8 April 2011

Indera Lihatku

Bila indera lihat berkata..terkelu membisu seribu kata. :)

Flying without wings...

Bara yang panas membara!

Nyanyi Sang Sunyi

   Lagu-lagu kekadang ternyanyi dek indahnya pandang
   Pandangan kekadang terlihat dek indahnya sunyi
   Sunyi kekadang terdengar dek indahnya alam
   Alam...masih sendiri....

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Written But Untold...

Reading does not always applied on something written and understanding does not always applied on something told. When you know how to confront with people, then you should understand them easily throughout the conversations, discussion and what not. Don't just think that you are right all the time and try to be in that person's shoes. Life isn't easy for those who think it's not and it's easy for those who think it is...but don't make it worse by all kinds of pressure. We've heard about "don't judge a book by its cover" and people should know how to apply it. People shouldn't be judged and shouldn't be judging either. Hatred will just come in between when things happen the way they shouldn't. My words are such a mess...and it represents my condition. I think.

Understand the untold..read the unwritten.